Pro European My arse

I do not believe for one minute that my country Scotland or N Ireland voted to stay in the EU, it is the power of blackmail. The SNP and Irish Gov respectively enforced that outcome. Also it is a total abuse of the N Security powers that the non blackmailed Royals are holding and that I am suffering so much to uphold, they clearly have powers to fix elections and referendums in the countries N Security interest but it’s an abuse to use them to protect one of their own especially when it is he (Charles) that is causing me so much suffering.… Read More

English Nationalism

Just like I have been pessimistically forecasting as one of the possible outcomes of traitor Prince Charles blackmail problems AKA the breakup of the UK, it was he under the threat of blackmail that paved the way for car salesman Blair to do the good Friday agreement (roadmap to Irish Unification) and it was he under the threat of blackmail that paved the way for all teeth and no brains Tony Blair (or is it Charles Lynton?)… Read More

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