Pulling The Wool

I think I have gathered enough evidence that Boris and his band of brothers (and sisters) are thanks to me being forced to take Britain out of Europe against his puppet master Charles and of course Charles’s blackmailers will.

The non blackmailed Royals can’t force the Torys to choose a leader that is not a Charles stooge but with my help they do seem to have managed to tie the stooges hands. If only the great British public knew what’s really going on.

Good has to triumph over evil and murdering children so they can’t point the finger at you as adults has to be about as evil as it gets but blackmailing such a person instead of turning him in has to come a close second while being such a persons stooge just to get your hands on the levers of power has to be in third place of evilness.

Of course where I profoundly disagree with the non blackmailed Royals is that they are trying to deal with the blackmailers instead of dealing with the blackmailee. They could easily force Charles to abdicate leaving the evil blackmailers with no one to blackmail and saving me all the trauma of having to absorb everything that these extremely powerful people can throw at me. Bearing in mind I have been the victim of this crap all my life.

This way, the only way the blackmailers can win is to eliminate the non blackmailed royals trump card AKA poor old me and while I appreciate I have as much protection as the Monarch and her grandson can muster (they can’t afford to lose their trump card), Prince Charles is still the (imminent) heir to the throne (if not defeated soon) and has the confidence and assistance of his old Etonian buddies up to and including the prime minister. No wonder I am up against it. I am not one to blow his own trumpet but I guarantee 99% of the population would not have made it thus far.

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